About True North

Who we are:

 True North Fashion was founded on the principles of quality, transparency, and sustainability. With decades of combined experience in manufacturing, supply chain management, and fashion, our team brings a wealth of expertise to the table. We understand the unique challenges that fashion brands face, from design conception to delivering the final product to the market. Our team is dedicated to helping you overcome these challenges and achieve your business goals.

What we do

Manufacturing Solutions:

True North Fashion specializes in end-to-end manufacturing solutions. Whether you’re launching a new fashion line or scaling up production, we have the capabilities to turn your vision into reality. 

Apparel Sourcing:

We have a global network of trusted suppliers and partners, allowing us to source a wide range of materials and components for your fashion products.

Design and Development:

True North Fashion offers design and development services to bring your ideas to life. 


We understand the importance of sustainability in today’s fashion industry. True North Fashion is committed to environmentally friendly practices and ethical manufacturing. We work with eco-friendly materials, reduce waste, and ensure fair labor practices throughout our supply chain.

Quality Assurance:

Quality is at the core of everything we do. We have stringent quality control processes in place to ensure that every product we manufacture meets your specifications and industry standards.

The Home of Fashion
Your Partner in Fashion Excellence.

True North Fashion

Your trusted partner in the world of manufacturing and apparel sourcing. At True North Fashion, we are dedicated to providing innovative and comprehensive solutions for businesses in the fashion industry, helping them navigate the complex landscape of production and sourcing with ease.

  • Our Mission

    To create an apparel company that can offer superior design, quality and value to the customer.

  • Our Vision

    Our vision is to be the compass that guides your fashion business to success. We aim to be the North Star that helps you find your way in the competitive world of fashion manufacturing and sourcing. True North Fashion strives to be synonymous with reliability, excellence, and sustainable practices in the industry.

  • Our Team

    We are lucky to have a team of highly qualified and experienced employees that have committed their lives to serving our customers.